Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Veerle goes to the South of France

One of my favorite designers, Veerle Pieters, just came back from a vacation in the South of France. She rode her bike everywhere, shopped for herbs and olive oil at outdoor markets in Provence and ate dinner at French bistros. Doesn't it sound amazing?
Hey, Veerle, next time you go on vacation, can you please take me with you?
Be sure to check her Flickr photostream, her pictures are to die for!

Picture credit: Veerle Pieters


Anonymous said...

Wow...gorgeous! Take me too!!!

Diana Mieczan said...

Hahaha...I bet she would take you:)hahahha
I love those photos...I so want to be there right now:)

ps: I am hosting a really cute GIVEAWAY, so please join in:) ( I think you will really like it)